Taegeuk Poomse

The Taegeuks are the modern basic training which must be done in order to achieve competence in Taekwondo. They are eight in number and are the foundations on which the modern Taekwondo trainee builds the rest the system. The underlying philosophy of the Taegeuks is Taoist, deriving from the Chinese Book of Changes (I'Ching)and is an esoteric system which cannot be grasped in a wholly intellectual way. One must immerse oneself within it to really understand it, doing as well as thinking in order to completely grasp its meaning.

The word 'Taegeuk' communicates an idea of Universality and of completeness within itself, which implies that the practice of these patterns embodies all things. According to tradition, the eight taegeuks symbolise the principles of the Universe and encapsulate these in the movements of which they are composed.

The first of the Taegeuks represents the beginnings of all the rest, the source. The second and third represents the clear relaxed positive mental attitude and the enthusiasm necessary for good training. This enthusiasm is expressed by the character of fire or "Ri".  The fourth Taegeuk exemplifies the need for bravery and steadfastness, in life as well as the Martial Arts, and the fifth is based on the notion of the wind or "Seon" which is prone to sudden changes in force and direction, like a tricky opponent, or indeed the circumstances of one's life. Consequently this pattern has a distinctive rhythm, switching from soft, almost gentle movements to hard, violent ones. The sixth Taegeuk expresses the formlessness of water or "Gam"which is never rigid or still and which remains untroubled, reflecting things like a clear mirror, as the mind should in combat.
The seventh Taegeuk revolves around the principle of immovability, the mountain or "Gan", and illustrates the need for static as well as mobile attack and defence. The final member of the group, the eighth Taegeuk, returns, cyclicly, to the beginning of things, taking as its motif the earth or "Gon", the source of all things.

Prior to the emergence of the Taegeuks as the core curriculum for Taekwondo, students study of the Palgwe group of patterns was the basis of advancement in the art. These eight patterns have a lot in common with the Taegueks which superseded them, deriving from the Pa-Kua (a series of eight trigrams of the I-Ching).

Taegeuk One Explanation

1. Ready stance - prior to starting, bow while in the attention (feet together) stance, then move the left foot into the Ready stance position. Place both hands one fist distance in front of the abdomen, then slowly and powerfully move the fists upward in front of the chest, then move it downwards placing them just below the belt. The fists should be two inches apart, and one fist distance away
from the body. (up to 5 pics)

2. From the ready stance, look to the left and move the left foot at 90?  to the left, raise left arm in preparation for a low block, right hand protects groin.

3. In a forward stance, block downwards with the left hand.

4. Step forward with right leg into a R walking stance and execute a right punch to the middle.

5. Start looking right towards the rear.

6. With the right foot, slide backwards and at a diagonal angle placing the right foot in the correct position (180? from position 3) and at the same time positioning the arms ready for a block (see pic),

6. Turn the body at the completion of the above movement and complete the low block with the right arm.

7. Step forward into a left forward stance and execute a left front punch to the middle.

8. Look left (to the front)

9. Start a left hand block while beginning to turn left at the same time by pivoting on the ball of your right foot, and place your left foot toward.

10. Into a left extended forward stance, and simultaneously execute a left low block then

11. Immediately execute a right reverse punch to the middle from the same stance.

12. Step slightly forward and to your right with your right foot by pivoting on the ball of your left foot into a right forward stance, and simultaneously execute a left reverse inside middle block.

13.  Move your left foot forward assuming a left forward stance, and execute a right reverse front punch to the middle.

14. Start looking left towards the rear.

15. With the left foot, slide backwards and at a diagonal angle placing the left foot in the correct position (180? from position 13) and at the same time positioning the arms ready for a block (see pic),

16. Pivot on the ball of your right foot, turning to your left and move your left foot into a left forward stance, and execute a right reverse inside middle block.

17. Step forward with your right foot into a right forward stance, and execute a left reverse front punch to the middle.

18. Pivot on the ball of your left foot, turning to your right by stepping forward with your right foot into a right extended forward stance, and execute a right low block then

19. Immediately execute a left reverse front punch to the middle from the same stance.

20. Step slightly forward and to your left with your left foot by pivoting on the ball of your right foot into a right forward stance, and simultaneously execute a left head block.

21. Execute a right front kick, and

22. Drop your right foot forward assuming a right forward stance and execute a right front punch to the middle.

23. Start looking right towards the rear.

24. With the right foot, slide backwards and at a diagonal angle placing the right foot in the correct position (180? from position 3) and at the same time positioning the arms ready for a high block (see pic),

25. Pivot on the ball of your left foot assuming a right forward stance and turn the body at the completion of the above movement and execute a right head block.

26.Execute a left front kick, and

27. Drop your left foot forward assuming a left forward stance and execute a left front punch to the middle.

28. Look right (to the back)

29 Pivot on the ball of your right foot, turning to the right by placing your left foot forward assuming a left forward stance, and execute a left low block.

30 Step forward with your right foot assuming a right forward stance, and execute a right front punch to the middle, and Kihap (yell).

31. Look to left rear (to the front)

32. Pivot on the ball of your right foot, turning counterclockwise to face in the direction of your original front, and bring your left foot adjacent to your right foot, assuming the ready stance.

33. Ready Stance, Bow to finish.

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Updated by Hoosain Narker