Ilyo Poomse

Ilyo is the required form for 9th Dan

Wonhyo, the High Priest of Buddhism during the Silla Dynasty, said: :The mind makes the objects and rules exist, it is just a skeleton when the mind is extinct." We can symbolize this statement with the word "Ilyo", meaning that the mind (spirit) and body (material) are the same.

Ilyo signifies oneness. In Buddhism the state of spiritual cultivation is said to be "Ilyo"(oneness), in which body and mind, I (subject) and you (object), spirit and substance are unified into oneness. The ultimate ideal of Taekwondo lies in this state of Ilyeo. The final goal Taekwondo pursues is indeed a discipline in which we concentrate attention on every movement, shaking off all worldly thoughts and obsessions.

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Updated by Hoosain Narker